Sr. Soumia Dafer » Rules & Expectations

Rules & Expectations



Students are expected to come to class everyday prepared and ready to learn with a positive attitude. Students must be present in class at the time of the second bell and ready with all required textbooks, notebook, agenda book and their supplies. Any student who will come late to class from Physical Education, Arabic, Lunch or any other excuse must have a pass otherwise their class readiness points will be deducted.




Participation in class activities and class assignments are important to informally assess student learning and understanding. All students are expected to participate in class; note taking is apart of the class experience. Students are expected to copy all notes written on the board, these notes are to help you study for your quizzes and benchmarks.



Students will be given projects and tasks periodically throughout the semester. Students will receive information on project as the dates arise and will be given ample time to complete projects and in some cases, extra class time. I will communicate the expectations of the project and assess specific criteria of the assignment.




Students will receive homework on a daily bases expect on the day before an exam to enforce key math concepts. Students are expected to complete and turn in all homework in a timely manner. Homework is always due on the next day, unless otherwise specified by the teacher. In most cases, homework will be grades on effort and completion not on whether the answer is correct or not.


Benchmark & Quizzes


A quiz will be given in the middle of every chapter or at the end of the chapter at the conclusion of every standard in preparation for the Benchmark Test. A Benchmark Test will give given at the conclusion of every topic. Students will received a study guide and have an in class review prior to the test, which will include sample test questions. Test should be completed independently. Using notes, talking, or cheating during test is NOT allowed and is strictly prohibited. If a student is caught doing any of those actions will be given a ZERO and there will be no make up or other chances given.


Classroom Rules:


** Remember to follow Islamic Manners at all times **

  1. Follow directions the first time given.
  2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  3. Do not call out, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
  4. Complete all assignments on time.
  5. Stay focused on the lesson.
  6. Be polite; respect yourself, your classmates, and your teachers.
  7. Speak with a good purpose.
  8. Eating/drinking is meant only for the cafeteria.
  9. Come prepared to class every day.


List of Consequences:

  1. Students get Verbal Warning.
  2. Teacher/Student Conference.
  3. Student writes an apology letter.
  4. Student attends grade level Academic/Behavior Meeting and gets a phone call home.






Friendly Reminder:

Remote Learning Begins March 30th!

Please see the attached PowerPoint which is a simply guide to helping you set up your Google account/class.